Do you want a more exclusive experience?
Then a pack trip tour is for you! Our pack trip tours can be customized to your interests and are limited to 8 guests, so you get the best Yellowstone Experience. Less than 2% of the over 4 million plus visitors to Yellowstone ever leave the roadways, so getting to ride and camp in the backcountry is a real treat! Small groups, low impact and personalized service, makes your experience in Yellowstone a trip of a lifetime. Wilderness Pack Trips, is a licensed outfitter with over 29 years of providing horseback riding pack trips and camping expeditions in Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone Licensed Outfitter
Are you planning a vacation to Yellowstone National Park?
Get out and enjoy your vacation the way it was meant to be experienced -- in nature! WILDERNESS PACK TRIPS's single-day tours offer a rich experience, with activities that include searching out wildlife, exploring remote thermals, ridgeline vistas or maybe some fly fishing. Wilderness Pack Trips providing horseback riding day tours in Yellowstone National Park. Small groups and personalized guide service, Experience Yellowstone the way it was meant to be.
Yellowstone your vacation location.
WILDERNESS PACK TRIPS horseback riding day tours in Yellowstone National Park.